Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Giggle Berry Fair

What's up? Today is an exciting day. We are picking up my friends Camryn to go to Giggle Berry Fair! Yeah, I know, if you've been there, you might know what I mean. If you have *never* been there, then I will tell you about it. There is an arcade, and you can get prizes like alot of other places. Theres also a play area for little kids awwww! Haha. Then, there is a big play zone called (Something) Mountain. Inside contains slides, a HUGE bridge, and BALLS BALLS AND MORE BALLS! The colorful plastic balls can be transported from level to level, shot at people with cool (harmless) guns. Every 5 minutes, all the balls that have been collected in this huge machine BURST out like confetti. POOF! So, search for it on MapQuest, and then go and try it out! Even parents might enjoy the arcade (dads) and a really fun game for speed and agility (moms). Well, GOTTA GO! TTYL

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