Friday, December 31, 2010

Purple cow

Hey people i made this weird thing and i called it a purple cow so i looked up if a purple cow is real and it is real so if you don't believe me here's a picture!!!

weird things

Hey guy's if there's more then 1 post that's the same it's beause there's 2 people that own the blog so sorry!

Happy New Year

Hello,people it;s Sydney Happy New Year people.Hey  you should see the ball drop to 2011!! :) so here's a picture of the ball!!!!

Happy New Year!

Ok, I know it's not the New Year until 12 midnight, but right now it's New Years Eve! To kick off the New Year, here are some things you can do: 1. have a resolution, such as; eat healthier, get straight As, etc. 2. stay up until 12 midnight on New Years Eve, and watch the ball drop (gotta love that sparkly ball) 3. tell someone close to you (family, friend, crush) something you have never told them. Oh, and a good thing to add to your New Years traditions is to have Chinease food for dinner... YUM! Also, 2011 is the year of the rabbit. Every year is represented by an animal on a chart the Chinease made. Finally, above is a picture of the ball! Enjoy, and HAPPY NEW YEAR 2011!

Thursday, December 30, 2010

What's in and what's out

                                          So if  you are a what's in what's out thing so here's some tips 
  • you have to know what's the new black? answer sparkels!!!
  • hair up=cute hair down=ok
  • yellow ulgy,pink and black cute
  • dress with up hair =cute  pants with down hair =ok


Hi it's Sydney I have a big sister sometimes we get in fights just sometimes(wink) so if you have a big sister here's what to do:
-never take her stuff she'll get really mad and never forget it
-and do NOT sneek in her room
                                                        here's all of my info use it well!!


Hi it's Sydney.There's a old Tv show called "Rugrats" it's super lol stuff u gotta watch it on Netflix if you have Netflix if you don't then I'm sorry


Hi,it's Sydney I love the taste of gum it's so mean that at schools you aren't allowed to chew gum!!!


Tis the season for.... colds. Right now, me, my dad, and my brother are sick with a bad cold. All I do when I am sick is update my blog, drink a gallon of OJ, and sleep. Pretty boring.... So for today, I am stuck inside with basically nothing to do. The good thing is: HA no chores! You don't really have high expectations when your sick, which is the best part. Anyway, I wish everyone a Happy (and healthy) New Year! Now, if you'll exscuse me, I am going to take a longggg nap. TTYL ;)

Wednesday, December 29, 2010

Twizzlers and Snow

As a prize at Happy Tymes, Syd and I got tons of strawberry Twizzlers! The best ways to eat them are to: 1. use them as straws to suck up Coke 2. (this may sound gross) dip them in peanut butter 3. use them in food crafts! They all taste delicous, BTW. Anyway, if you are interested in making cool videos with uploaded pictures from your computer, then go to There, you can choose from all kinds of themes, music, and pictures. Then you can share it online, or even buy it! It's alot of fun, and all your friends will love it! Byeas for now! ;)

Happy Tymes

We just got some great news; we are going to Happy Tymes! Some people may think that it's a boring, kiddie place, but it has everything from go-carts to prizes. I (Rachel) always go straight for the games! My absolute favortite is Deal or No Deal. And I (Sydney) I love go in to the jungle gym or the basketball game or motion chair but there's 1 thing I hate it's is that it's filled with 3-8 year olds & no 1 flushes the toliet!!! eww!!! (No offence to the kids there) But anyway, there is a bowling alley that also belongs to Happy Tymes right next to it. Sadly, we stink at bowling hahaha. Oh, we gotta go! TIME FOR HAPPY TYMES!

Good Morning

We woke up early in the morning to the sound of a hairdryer. Our heads looked like a bird had nested in them, giving us a nasty bedhead. Dashing downstairs, we eagerly waited for our waffels. YUM! If you look at the picture below, you will see a plate of delicous, mouth-watering waffles. Oh, and we wanted to mention, that we both have Facebooks. If you do, then comment on our wall. Rachel: Rachel Sullivan
Sydney: Sydney Kosiak. Post on our walls when you get the chance.

Tuesday, December 28, 2010


Woot woot! Hahaha it's Syd I have a blue disco ball that I got for Christmas! I lub it!!! Take a look, Don't you wanna do the disco when you look at it? It's so amazing! It's like your back in the 70s? LOL

Juliet's ring

Hey we took a picture of Juliet and Tim's wedding rings this morning. Hope you like them! please comment


It is 6 on a Tuesday night, and Syd and I are lounging on her bed. Syd's been telling me a story of how there are ghosts na med Tim and  Juliet Gogstine. She says late at night you can hear their soft footsteps up the stairs, and you can sometimes feel a chill in the air. Other times, you can smell Juliet's lavender perfume. A couple years ago, Sydney found 2 rings. They looked like wedding rings. To this day, there are still sightings in Syd's house. They died in 1996, while hoasting a wedding party. Apparently, someone had slipped poison in Juliet's drink. Tim went crazy after his wife's death, and committed suicide 1 week later. Sometimes you can hear Juliet singing her favorite song: Alice In Chains. Sydney has seen either Tim or Juliet's ghostly figure walking down the halls. Sydney's mom thinks Juliet and Tim are after revenge on the murderer. Above, you can see a picture of her walking down the staircase. Thank you for reading our first blog entry! Stay tuned.....